Part 1
They say it’s okay
Not to be okay
They never say how long
It is to stay not okay
I am not okay
I am losing it
Spend the day holding in so much
With a Crooked smile
At night, I cry it out
With ceaseless meditations
To curb the pain
But it’s no longer working
The few times I confided in peers
They cheered and said
It will be alright
It’s been years
I guess it’s not going to be alright
I have wallowed enough
No one with breath has the answer
They talk and hope their gestures cheers you
But the grim reaper is at will
Lurking to be beckoned upon
Lurking to take everything away
Part 2
My darling Tisi,
Until I get to you
I hope this stalls your death
You are the most cheerful human I know
Your kindheartedness is exclusive
Always ready to serve and be of help
I see the way you make every challenge simple to accomplish
The way your input is never disregarded
I admire how easily you forgive and let go
I hope it’s not too late
I want you to know
That I need you
To always smile at me
I need you to hold on longer
I need you because the next phase is so much better
I would lose my fave human
If you ever leave
I don’t despise death,
I know it’s inevitable
But you can’t take your life at your will
Feeling your presence in another cosmic
Will never suffice
Please stay with me
Please stay alive
Misi loves you.
Part 3
Misi, I will miss you
I wish I could stay
I wish your scribbles could stop me
I wish you’d get here sooner
But it’s time.
I have dwelled too much
In this Hollow alone
Long lost in the trance of nought
I am feigned and drained
There is no saving
All that you admire is lost
I lost the cheers and will
I can no longer keep up the faux
My soul is ripped and ready to exit
It fains to go
Do not mourn
I will be in a better place
Void of the pains and troubles
I will be free
Till we meet again
Goodbye my friend.
Tisi from beyond
Author: Omotoyosi Idris (MOLEYEANN)
I am a psyched and panache freelance writer. I take delight in exploring various aspect of life, environment and
happenings. My writings are mostly creative imagination that resonates with actual events hence making it realistic and relatable. With regards to the Fitila Mental Health Poem Series 2019 and understanding the vision of the organization, I find it interesting that I am able to be part of a beautiful initiative geared at creating Mental Health Awareness with my gift of writing.