Tell them of the sweet beauty of life,
Show them the good will in being fine
Let good hygiene be our daily wine
Cry to them before they die
Part to stop unconscious sucide
Save the dying.
Health is wealth,
Good health gives peace
Life is known by breath,
The genuity of breath is good hydrosphere
Every creature is for all,
From the atmosphere to every other sphere
Reserve the natures to save the dying.
Make your diet balance,
Eating fruit adds another little chance
Kick away the standing water,
It houses the carrier of cholera
Keep your environment clean,
Through this your tomorrow is at ease
Keep your day away from death.
Marry good hygiene,
Less you fall victim
Hospital shouldn’t be your home,
Consult a doctor before a drop of foam
Never say hello to dealth by these tones,
For you have a long way to go
Life is too beautiful to let go
Let the dying live for the benefit of the globe.
Author: Amerior Sunday