My Dear Friends (to the cerebrally imbalanced patients)

I love talking to them like my counselor,

Sometimes I smile and hold your hands,

They talk to me like we are best of friends,

I believe them as the only sincere people on this tearfilled Earth,

They are the only being talking for their unseen state of mind,

They speak with to true-blue vocal assertion,

Drawing from what has been eating them up inside,

They love eyes-for-eyes communication,

Their language seems discrete and guileless,

I love them from deep pericardial canal of my heart.


I’m proud to be part of the lovely family,

I do nod my head affirmatively to them when we talk,

They are the true figure and cast of an impeccable and flawless humann specimen,

They don’t tell lies, they don’t collect bribes,

They don’t fear the government or any power drunk being,

They don’t bother about the great things of this world cars, houses, beautiful ladies, money and so on

They talk to anybody they can approach because they believe their words are safe in your hands.


Please when next you see my friends don’t yell at them,

You can provide things for them including food, clothing, or even a safe place ,

They also need your care love and smile,

Never you make jest of them again dear reader,

they also possess the same brain cells that you put in your sutures,

Even if you want to correct them ,do that in love not in execration,

Remember those days you kept your head down in tears ,

how you were speaking to yourself without a friend beside you,

And see that we are all family members with different relationships,

when next you see them pearl loves them wholeheartedly.

I 💜 them.

Pearls ®️



Idowu Oluwapelumi

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